
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
This is the Turok 2 Archive. This site was created in June of the year 2000 by Kalypse. Over the past several months it has become one of the largest collections of Turok 2 clan material on the net. Contributions by others have slowly made this site bigger and bigger. This is your chance to explore the history of Turok 2. Enjoy the ride.
What will you find on this page?
This page will contain all the Taunts for the characters in Turok 2.

The Date is Monday, the 4th of December in the year 2000, at 10:23:58pm


This Page was created by (SiR) Kalypse. Kalypse@turok.com or Kalypse@roh.itgo.com. All content and images on these pages are property of their respected owners. Some material has been borrowed from other sites. Materials from Turok 2 are copyrighted by their respected owner.

Image of the Page

These are the original taunts. The replacement taunts are below this.

1: Aaah!
2: Ay Caramba!
3: Aim at me next time!
4: Bang!
5: Boo!
6: Boom!
7: Bring it on!
8: Camper!
9: Cheeseball!
10: Did your little sister teach you how to play?
11: Don't you think you'd be better at PONG(tm)?
12: Excellent!
13: Get a life!
14: I don't think so!
15: Impossible!
16: Impressive!
17: let's get it on!
18: Like you planned that!
19: Look at the score, Punk!
20: Maybe next time!
21: maybe this is too fast for you!
22: Medic!
23: Daddy, make the bad man stop!
24: My frag counter is broken!
25: My granny shoots better than you!
26: Nice face! Want a gun?
27: Nice pants!
28: Nice shot!
29: Nice tempt!
30: Nice try!
31: No!
32: No soup for you!
33: No way!
34: Oh, I lived? Wow!
35: Oh, so close!
36: Say hello to my little friend!
37: Scoreboard!
38: See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!
39: Shut up!
40: So sorry!
41: Too bad!
42: Uh, Uh, Uh!
43: Whatever!
44: Yeah! Yeah!
45: Yes!
46: You couldn't hit the side of a barn, from the inside!
47: You dead next time!
48: You should be ashamed of yourself!
49: You wish!
50: You're that person who falls, aren't you?
Taunts 51-65 are pre-recorded Defeat taunts.
Taunts 66-80 are pre-recorded Victory taunts.


51. Lucky shot!
52. Unbelievable!
53. You are still a loser!
54. Not!
55. Pure luck!
56. Like you meant that!
57. I feel sorry for you!
58. I'm still the star of this game!
59. What an insult!
60. You have got to be kidding me!
61. Never again.
62. I hate you.
63. This is embarrassing.
64. Not possible!
65. …..
66. C'mon you're boring me!
67. Woo hoo!
68. I'm the man!
69. Oh, yes!
70. Am I good or what?
71. Eat that, punk!
72. Wimp!
73. What're you looking at?
74. Oh that's gotta hurt!
75. Like shootin' fish in a barrel!
76. I own you!
77. You want some more?
78. Oh you're gonna feel that in the morning!
79. This is MY game!
80. Why don't you have your seeing eye shoot for you next time?


51. Impossible!
52. Even the worst get lucky!
53. ( moaning sound)
54. Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!
55. I WILL have my revenge!
56. You do not possess such skill!
57. (grunting sound)
58 I have never been so humiliated!
59. What?
60. This can't be!
61. A fluke at best!
62. I shall see that you pay for that!
63. I blame myself.
64. Your victory will be brief.
65. Gloat while you can!
66. ( evil laugh )
67. Foolish mammal.
68. Prepare to reap what I sow!
69. It was inevitable.
70. Death is your new savior.
71. Prepare to die!
72. You should be honored to die by my hand!
73. You should be honored to die by my hand!
74. Victory is mine!
75. Impudent whelp!
76. I       am         SUPREME!
77. Superb!
78. Beg for mercy!
79. You have the skills and the intellect to best me?
80. Pathetic!


51. YA!   YA!    YA!
52. Try that again!
53. Oh, does that make you feel good?
54. Oh, you lucky little …….
55. Nooo! (whimper)
56. Oh! That does it!
57. Ow!
58. Isn't that just like a man?
59. You have got some serious issues.
60. Oooh, drat!
61. Oh I can't believe this!
62. Cheap shot!  Cheeeeeeeap  shot!
63. Oh! You are in SUCH trouble!
64. Good thing I didn't quit my day job!
65. …
66. Come up and see me some time!
67. Aww, did that hurt?
68. Let me kiss it and make it better.
69. OK who's next?
70. This must be very awkward for you.
71. You're kind of cute when you're bleeding.
72. Oooh, it hurts so good!
73. I'm not bad, I'm just modeled that way.
74. These boots were made for ass kicking.
75. Oooh baby!
76. You're not going to let a silly thing like death come between us are you?
77. Oh, that's the end of a beautiful friendship.
78. There's just something about a man with a bullet hole in his head.
79. Would you like to play some more?
80. ….


51. Lucky shot.
52. Curse you!
53. I'll see you in hell.
54. You shall pay for that!
55. Bastard
56. This is not possible!
57. NOOO!!!
59. I am weak.
60. I shall never hear the end of this!
61. Gloat while you can, worm!
62. Vengeance will be mine.
63. Prepare yourself for my fury!
64. Sniveling upstart!
65. We shall see about that!
66. More meat for the table!
67. Now to find your young!
68. YES! Your blood smells good!
69. Your death cry is music to my ears! Ha Ha Ha Ha
70. I will suck the marrow from your bones!
71. Pitiful fool!
72. I will dine on your innards!
73. Wherever you go, there I'll be!
74. My skill is unsurpassed!
75. How pathetic!
76. There there now, dying is not so bad.
77. Give my regards to the afterlife.
78. BAH! You could not defeat a child!
79. Now I shall feast on your flesh.
80. …..


51. Little  squeaker get lucky.
52. Me hope that hurt!
53. Wah ha ha  ha ha ( crying )
54. You not nice!
55. Ouch!
56. OOOOWWWW!!!!!
57. Stop it!
58. Now me real mad!
59. Uh- oh!
60. Teeheeheehee!
61. Me head hurt!
62. Ha! Ha! Me kill little squeaker!
63. Ow!
64. That not fair!
65. Me wanna go home now!
66. Ha ha ha ha ha
67. I crush puny squeaker!
68. You fall down and go boom!
69. Ha ha! You dead, me not!
70. Me crush you like bug!
71. I kill you again!
72. You smell funny!
73. Look at the pretty colors!
74. You fall down and go boom!
75. Who wants some now?
76. Goody goody for me!
77. Me good shot!
78. You small and weak!
79. Me strongest!
80. That teach you! Ha ha ha!


51. Impossible!
52. This cannot be!
53. I'll be back!
54. This battle is far from finished!
55. I shall see you suffer for that!
56. I'm such a fool!
57. ( screaming groan )
58. Bah! I should have seen that coming!
59. Curse you!
60. Bah! I should have seen that coming!
61. This is the end!
62. But I have a wife and eggs!
63. You had better not make a wallet out of me!
64. Not bad!
65. …
66. He he he he he he
67. Yes!
68. You never stood a chance!
69. I impress myself!
70. Loser!
71. You are pathetic!
72. Die fool!
73. Get used to it!
74. There's plenty more where that came from!
75. I enjoyed that!
76. Ha ha ha! To the victor go the spoils!
77. Too slow!
78. I love the smell of victory in the morning!
79. …
80. Ha ha! Evolve or die!


same as endtrail.


same as Turok


51. Lucky shot!
52. U sicken me!
53. That was humiliating!
54. No!
55. Impossible!
56. Impressive!
57. Watch your back!
58. I'll drink from your skull!
59. I need a vacation.
60. You insolent worm!
61. We shall meet again!
62. Prepare for my vengeance!
63. I'm going home!
64. I shall tear you in two for that!
65. ..
66. Ha ha ha ha ha!
67. Pitiful!
68. Pathetic!
69. Yes!
70. Victory is mine!
71. A glorious battle indeed!
72. Feel my wrath!
73. You cannot defeat me!
74. Yeah! That's right! I'm bad!
75. Is that the best you can do?
76. I need a real challenge!
77. You are beginning to bore me!
78. Give up while you still can!
79. Beg for mercy, insect!


51. You have no honor.
52. Luck is the crutch of the weak.
53. An excellent shot, I salute you.
54. That was most uncomfortable.
55. We shall meet again.
56. Your days are numbered my friend.
57. I shall be avenged!
58. A noble kill.
59. My body may die, but my spirit lives on!
60. Don't get used to it!
61. I'd say that I'm above revenge, but I'm not!
62. Enjoy it while you can!
63. I am having a very bad day.
64. Yes! But can you do that again?
65. …
66. I took no pride in that kill.
67. An honorable victory.
68. The great spirit smiles upon me!
69. My aim was true.
70. Perhaps you should practice on non-moving targets.
71. You are in much need of training.
72. Only the strong survive.
73. My ancestors have taught me well.
74. I long for a real challenge.
75. All too easy.
76. I have been disgraced in the eyes of my ancestors.
77. I weep for your generation.
78. This must be quite embarrassing.
79. There is no shame in defeat.


makes squealing noises

Vertigo's Replacement Taunts.

Some of the words have been changed to lamer terms.

Taunts For Adon Character Tuesday, July 13, 1999

1: Hey Back the fxxk off man !
2: Back your ugly butt up !
3: Aim at me next time! (original taunt)
4:Shut the fxxk up !
5: I'll pop a cap in your ugly butt !
6: Your momma made that ?
7: Bring it on ! (original taunt)
8: Camper ! (original taunt)
9: Dont u b fxxking w/my poop !
10: Did your little sister teach you how to play? (original taunt)
11: Don't you think you'd be better at PONG(tm)? (original taunt)
12: Mother Fxxker what u looking at ?
13: Get a life! (original taunt)
14: I don't think so! (original taunt)
15: Eat me u butthole !
16: U aint gonna do poop !
17: let's get it on ! (original taunt)
18: Ill kick your mother fxxking butt !
19: Look at the score, Punk ! (original taunt)
20: Go fxxk yourself !
21: maybe this is too fast for you! (original taunt)
22: Medic! (original taunt)
23: Daddy, make the bad man stop! (original taunt)
24: My frag counter is broken! (original taunt)
25: My granny shoots better than you! (original taunt)
26: Nice face! Want a gun? (original taunt)
27: Yo back the fxxk up G !
28: Nice shot! (original taunt)
29: Eat poop and die !
30: Nice try! (original taunt)
31: Fxxk u mother fxxking bitch !
32: Now thats it mother fxxker !
33: I will bust a cap in your butt u do understand ?
34: Oh, I lived? Wow! (original taunt)
35: Oh, so close! (original taunt)
36: Say hello to my little friend! (original taunt)
37: Scoreboard! (original taunt)
38: See ya, wouldn't want to be ya! (original taunt)
39: Shut up! (original taunt)
40: Ya fxxk u too !
41: In your face mother fxxker !
42: Just got torched !
43: Don't b pulling that poop on me !
44: Fxxk off u prick !
45: Im talking to u mother fxxker !
46: You couldn't hit the side of a barn, from the inside! (original taunt)
47: You dead next time! (original taunt)
48: You should be ashamed of yourself! (original taunt)
49: are u going to give me a fxxking problem ?
50: You're that person who falls, aren't you? (original taunt)

Taunts For Iggy Character Tuesday, July 13, 1999

1: I have chunks of guys bigger then u in my stool !
2: Ill B Back Mother fxxker !
3: Aim at me next time! (original taunt)
4:Take that u little shitzer !
5:Die Die Die !
6: Die u rat fxxk ?
7: Bring it on ! (original taunt)
8: Camper ! (original taunt)
9: Straight to hell mother fxxker !
10: Did your little sister teach you how to play? (original taunt)
11: Don't you think you'd be better at PONG(tm)? (original taunt)
12: Stop fighting back its not fare (vertogo's favorite) ?
13: Get a life! (original taunt)
14: I don't think so! (original taunt)
15: Ill cut off your johnson !
16: I'll stick that thing up your butt and pull the fxxking trigger till it goes click !
17: let's get it on ! (original taunt)
18: R u ready to b fxxked man ?
19: Look at the score, Punk ! (original taunt)
20: Die you fxxking scum !
21: maybe this is too fast for you! (original taunt)
22: Medic! (original taunt)
23: Daddy, make the bad man stop! (original taunt)
24: My frag counter is broken! (original taunt)
25: My granny shoots better than you! (original taunt)
26: Nice face! Want a gun? (original taunt)
27: Flame broiled !
28: Nice shot! (original taunt)
29: Piece of poop !
30: Nice try! (original taunt)
31: I'll fxxk u in the butt mother fxxker !
32: fxxking die u piece of poop !
33: Man I warned your punk butt ?
34: Oh, I lived? Wow! (original taunt)
35: Oh, so close! (original taunt)
36: Say hello to my little friend! (original taunt)
37: Scoreboard! (original taunt)
38: See ya, wouldn't want to be ya! (original taunt)
39: Shut up! (original taunt)
40: We gotta stop this mother fxxker !
41: Pay back time mother fxxkers !
42: Cmon punk !
43: Time to nip this in the butt !
44: I have 5 x's your strength !
45: Im a mushroom cloud laying mother fxxker mother fxxker !
46: You couldn't hit the side of a barn, from the inside! (original taunt)
47: You dead next time! (original taunt)
48: You should be ashamed of yourself! (original taunt)
49: are u going to give me a fxxking problem ?
50: You're that person who falls, aren't you? (original taunt)

Taunts For Gant Character Tuesday, July 13, 1999

1: Fxxking die u piece of poop !
2: Yo bitch don’t be getting like that w/me !
3: Aim at me next time! (original taunt)
4:Yo fxxk u man !
5:Shot gun blast !
6: Better step the fxxk off man !
7: Bring it on ! (original taunt)
8: Camper ! (original taunt)
9: Straight to hell mother fxxker !
10: Did your little sister teach you how to play? (original taunt)
11: Don't you think you'd be better at PONG(tm)? (original taunt)
12: Man I warned your punk butt
13: Get a life! (original taunt)
14: I don't think so! (original taunt)
15: I aint threw with u by a dam sight !
16: Your butt is going down !
17: let's get it on ! (original taunt)
18: You come close but you never made it !
19: Look at the score, Punk ! (original taunt)
20: Why don’t you turn around and get the fxxk outta here !
21: maybe this is too fast for you! (original taunt)
22: Medic! (original taunt)
23: Daddy, make the bad man stop! (original taunt)
24: My frag counter is broken! (original taunt)
25: My granny shoots better than you! (original taunt)
26: Nice face! Want a gun? (original taunt)
27: Flame broiled !
28: Nice shot! (original taunt)
29: Ya well pee off you fxxk !
30: Nice try! (original taunt)
31: Ya well fxxk u 2 get out of my face !
32: We have meat here in the building !
33: How u like them apples ?
34: Oh, I lived? Wow! (original taunt)
35: Oh, so close! (original taunt)
36: Say hello to my little friend! (original taunt)
37: Scoreboard! (original taunt)
38: See ya, wouldn't want to be ya! (original taunt)
39: Shut up! (original taunt)
40: my furor I cant walk arghhhhh !
41: Yo kill that mother fxxker !
42: Burnt to a crisp !
43: Fxxking pussy butt !
44: You wanna join our gang you gotta pass a little test !
45: Ya u scared huh ?
46: You couldn't hit the side of a barn, from the inside! (original taunt)
47: You dead next time! (original taunt)
48: You should be ashamed of yourself! (original taunt)
49: Pain is instructive !
50: You're that person who falls, aren't you? (original taunt)