Old News Page Two

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
This is the Turok 2 Archive. This site was created in June of the year 2000 by Kalypse. Over the past several months it has become one of the largest collections of Turok 2 clan material on the net. Contributions by others have slowly made this site bigger and bigger. This is your chance to explore the history of Turok 2. Enjoy the ride.
What will you find on this page?
This page will contain all the old news from this site.

The Date is Tuesday, the 5th of December in the year 2000, at 12:24:01pm


This Page was created by (SiR) Kalypse. Kalypse@turok.com or Kalypse@roh.itgo.com. All content and images on these pages are property of their respected owners. Some material has been borrowed from other sites. Materials from Turok 2 are copyrighted by their respected owner.

Image of the Page



10-2-2000 Going for weekly updates right now
If I can update more often I will. I really wanted to update before this, but haven't been able to. Lots has happened in the past week. Gone is TDX, FaD, Evangelion and Ronin. Evangelion I just found out about. They have actually been gone since early September. TDX died pretty much when Alusion left and took all the members, but since Havok is now in RoH again, its official. FaD broke up when Shasta(Stoner) and Ace joined AKA. Ronin I heard was gone a few weeks ago and now seeing Santana in WsC proves it is gone. New clans added include Nobs, VGS and TNT. All three of them have short profiles that I'm sure are incomplete right now. I could use some information on them. As I already said, Havok rejoined RoH so he has been added to the RoH page. Djoz, Shasta and Ace all joined AKA. DC and Sniper both left. Added God is a DJ to the PK page. Major updates have been made to the G2K page. Gone are Mandy, Chaos, Djoz and Siefer. Added Skins to the GSA page. Added zooz2000, Tenchu and Santana to the WsC page. Added Ace, Turok's Bro and Killer to the LS Page. Updated the PQ page with a correct roster again(not sure exactly what the changes were). I have added The SiR ranking system to the Documents page and also have updated the Influnece page. I have updated the Timeline page. I have also added one clan match to the Events page. Added another zip file of pics to the Downloads page. I also have added several clans to the Past clans page.

9-25-2000 Lots of news
Yea I'm behind, been busy. Ok, I think I have all the regular updates done. DTC is down to 4 members, Savage and Tenchu are no longer listed on their site so I'm guessing they are history. MacGyver left DTC and joined RD. Diamond has rejoined WsC. Mandy has left WsC and joined G2K. Chaos and Fear have also joined G2K. With Alusion leaving TDX, he AKA clan and took most of the TDX members with him(what was the point?). Animal is out of SiR because he is playing Star Craft, a game we are not involved in right now. Spawn has joined SiR. Ginnes, Chunky, Bumblebee and Big Cheese VC joined LS. I have made the appropriate changes for these players. I have also added the 420, AKA, ISR, and TNT clans to the clans page. Added Kirk to the GZ page. I have made a few small updates to the timeline. Changed the MM Corps link on the Links page. There are several newer clans that need updates, but I don't have enough info on members and other things to update them. After some careful consideration I have removed both Henry Chan and Ice Killa from the most influential players in Turok 2. Seeing that they have had more of a negative influence than positive, I have decided that they do not belong with the other players there. Perhaps sometime in the future they will get their own page for negative influence, but for now they are off the site. Thanks to Phoenix, and everyone else who contributed news. If you sent me something and I forgot it, send it to me again and I'll put it up with the next update. The PK activelist got a new owner a few weeks ago, sign on if you haven't lately. I think I will upload this update and then go pass out, I'm very tired. Send me news or something if you can, I'd really like to add some fresh material to the site.

9-18-2000 Alusion is.... well.... not all there.
Alusion beleives that he can join RoH without trying out, or even telling Sinister. He has also declared himself leader of RoH. Message him and tell him what a moron he is. I encourage everyone to kick his ass in the servers also. Rarely is such stupidity matched. Onto other news. Ass Kicker has joined RoH. Ninja Kid and Commie-X have joined FoN. I have update the link to the LS site. I have added the VGS clan to the list of clans. Added a match to the events page. DjoZ Hellspawn and Diamond have joined G2K. Added some stuff to the Downloads page. I have removed a couple of older links from the Links page. I thought i had more to update, but apparently I do not.

9-11-2000 Minor Updates
I've made a few small changes to several pages. Updated the PQ roster. It is now correct. added The Grim 1 to the PK page. Added Mandy to the WsC page and took her off the GSA page. Added Mage to the TDX page. Updated the link to the RoH page. Added Wargod to the RoH page. They now have to domain www.rohclan.com. Added some of the email addresses of clan leaders. Check the clan profiles for the ones. I don't have them all yet. I've added a link to the Mayhem clan parody on the links page. Added 2 zips of pics to the Downloads page. Thanks to ChrisR!k for the pics. Thanks to Phoenix for the link to the profiles, they helped me gather up some of the email addresses. Free servers has now given me the option to change to a popup window instead of a banner. Yippee!! All pages will change to this. As long as you only have one window open and you don't close the popup, it should stay in one place. Made a couple additions to the Timeline that I forgot to do with my last update. I have added a new way to contact me on the Contact Page. You can send information to me without leaving this website. I like to have every page load quickly and be accessible to every other page so I have added to more buttons. There are now links to the Taunts Page and I have split the clans page into 2 pages. One page has all the current clans and the other has past clans.

9-6-2000 Been too busy to update sooner
I've been busy, so this is the first update in a week. In the biggest news of the week, Team Genesis is gone. After Proto's page was hacked, he shutdown the clan and has left Turok 2. Proto has also tried to shut off access to his hacked page, but I have a link to it here anyway. http://members.fortunecity.com/amitrosenzweig/index2.html Click on that to see what has been done to his page. Since TG is gone, I have added them to the past clans. I have also added KoD to the past clans since it is becomeing apparent that they aren't coming back. Onto player news. Buzzard VC has joined SiR so I have added him to the SiR page. The SoZ clan is apparently active again, so I have readded them to the clans page. Added Niko to the PK page. Took Noodleboy off the Lethal Page. Chronic is apparently back in RD so I have put him back on the RD page. I updated the link to the Evangelion site. There are probably more people in TDX by now, but I haven't been able to confirm any new ones yet. Added Guhunapimp and Dragan to the DeF1 page and took Guhunapimp off the FaD page. I also updated the link on the DeF1 page. GisKarD informed me that GZ means Genesis Zion so I have updated that. Added Palladin and Darkness to the G2K page and took Palladin off the FaD page. Added Killer to the PQ page. I added Grover and Deadpool to the KM page. I also took Hunter off the NFM page. I also added nFoRsA and Nugget to the RoH page. I added The Death and Satan to the LS page and took off Dr Doc, Wargod, NightKiller, and Raz. I have also added Felix to the PK page. I have added 2 clan matches to the Events page. I also added a link to turok2.org on the links page. I think I will add a link to Proto's hacked page so that everyone can see it. I have made a couple small corrections to the timeline. I have made several other small correction on various pages. I have added a new article to the Documents page. Maybe I'll add some email addresses and icq#s of clan leaders with my next update. Looking for more material as usual, but its hard to find, If you have something to contribute, send it to me through email. I also have a lot of screen shots that I could put on the events page. I'll have to organize them all and update the page. Hmmm I think that's about it for updates today.

8-30-2000 Lots of small updates and fixes
Updated a ton of the profiles. Fixed the link on the Primagen page so it leads to a site now. Added Badass to the NFM page. I updated the FoN page taking off Asmodeus and Bluntman. Added Bibigeview and Audacy to the PQ page. Added Chair-o-Key to the LL page since he has told me he is still in LL. Added Splash to the WsC page. Added a profile for the VIP clan. Also found out that KM means Killing Machine and found out who their leaders are so I updated that. Animal has joined SiR so I have taken him off the TG page and added him to the SiR page. I have added the entire LS clan. Their Leader is Faz and I have also added a link to their webpage. I have added the MC-Murder Corps to the clans page and added a profile for them. Added Raditz to the SS page. I fixed the link to the RoH page. Added Satan to the LC clan. I've added DC, Chronic and Sniper to the TDX page. I have added JsM, Hell's Fury, and Weed Master to the G2K page. Thanks to Phoenix again for all the Info. Phoenix has shutdown The Turok Base so I have taken the link to it off the Links page. I have added the SoZ to the dead clans section. I will update the Timeline with the new clans and remove the old clans. I have also removed the SKS clan due to not seeing them anywhere. Every clan should have a profile on the clans page now. BTW I used whatever graphics I had for the Clan profiles, If I didnt have a pic for a clan, then i made a generic one through Paint Shop Pro and Adobe Photoshop. I have added something small to the Documents page also.

8-28-2000 Updates, Fixes, Etc.
Now that I have the clan profiles up, my new challenge is to keep them updated and as accurate as possible. So the first thing I have done is to make correction on members and add in people that I was missing. TDX has gotten 3 new members very quickly so I will add them to the list of members. Hunter, Gunslinger, and Samuri all join TDX. I have added several members to the PQ roster. Added Flump, Snowman and Rizla to the NFM page. Added God and Paladin to the FAD page. I realized I have Stealth listed in 3 clans so I will remove him from the 2 that he is no longer in. Added Y.M. Pimp to the DeF1 page. Added the profile for the 420 clan, I have a feeling I'll end up taking that down in about 2 days though. I have added a profile for the LS clan, KM clan, SoZ clan and the SS clan. There seems to have been a big surge of new clans all of a sudden, if anyone can give me information on them, it would be helpful. I'm only missing profiles for 2 clans now and I'm only missing those because I don't have enough information on them to make a page for them.

Update: Took Samuri off the FoN list. And added CommieX to the TG members list.

8-27-2000 Big Update
This took me way longer than I expected it to, but I'm done at last. Well most of the way done. I have added more detailed clan profiles on the clans page. That is what most of this update is. There is a lot more information there now. I have also added about a half dozen new clans. TDX,SS,SoZ,VIP,420(again),LS, and KM. Seven clans actually. So check out the Clans Page. I have added 2 more matches to the Events page. I have also added several links to the Links Page. I have also changed the guestbook a little bit. Somehow the guestbook got totally screwed up, so I had to manually edit it. I got all the entries back, but I split them up into several pages now in the hopes that the guestbook won't do that again. Havok left LL to form TDX, thats about the biggest news of the week i think. Other people moving around include Fire and Bluntman joining FoN, Thanks Phoenix for that info. And Animal has joined TG. I'm still looking for more material for the Documents Page, but I haven't found anything yet.If you want to link to the Turok 2 Archive, use this button. I'll probably make a better one soon though. The timeline has also been updated with the addtions of all these new clans. Lastly, the DsK clan closed up on the 21 so I have removed them from the current clans and added them to the past clans.

8-23-2000 Suffering from a severe lack of stuff to add to this site
I'm just about out of things to add to this site. There are certain things I won't put on this site like blacklists and other things. I have been against blacklists for quite sometime, usually they don't achieve their goal. Anyway, I'm still looking for stuff to add without finding much. I've cleaned out all the old turok sites of anything useful. Rarely do I come across something new anymore. I have one more idea to add something. I don't know how well this will work, but I'll try it and find out. Check back tomorrow, or Friday and I'll have a better update.

8-20-2000 I update when I have time
Well I don't usually update daily because I don't have the time to do it, but I've got nothing better to do at the moment so Ill update now. I've updated a few pages and will do some more before I upload this, but first something that might be worth noting. Radimus may have found something to help the lag in T2 servers. Im just cutting and pasting this message because I haven't tried this yet myself.
RadimuS(ICQ#76682349) Wrote:
uhm ok i'll try to explain
suppose you and i would want to host an arena where both our pings are good.
first of all we would have to get the dedicated server from turok.com
after that the "real" server should be decided
lets say i am the "real" server (the pc where both the game.cfg as well as the server are running)
ok now i start the server and then i give you an config arena.cfg with exactly the same things as my game.cfg (including my ip adress and all) then you put a shortcut on ur desktop of the gm_win32.exe file (from turok.com) then input -config arena.cfg in the comand line.
(it should be something like this : "C:\\Program Files\\Acclaim Entertainment\\T2server\\T2Servers\\gm_win32.exe" -config arena.cfg
then you boot up gm_win32.exe and ur done.
I havent tryd this with spade yet but i tried it with para and i saw 2 versions of his server. one where i had an estimated (by gamespy) ping of 100 and one where my estimated ping was 0.
i joined the zero ping server and my ping was around 30.
(i wasnt the one who first came up with this and i am in no way responsible if ur pc blows up when you do it lol) i think drumsky came up with it but im not sure.
anyway it seems to work but i must say that my pc crashed quite frequently when i used it but its definetly worth some attention =)

So for those of you out there that are good with trying this stuff out, test this out. Maybe this will cut the lag down, maybe not. I don't do much of this kind of stuff myself. Onto site news. I have made a MASSIVE update to the About Page. I added a bunch of info on Turok 2 that I found at another site. I added the Lost Souls clan to the Clans page. Fire has joined the FoN clan. I have updated the Links, Documents, Clans, Timeline, Events, Graphics and About Pages. I have also managed to find a complete listing of all the Turok 2 taunts for all characters. I have added this to the Taunts page on the Downloads Page. I will probly add the Taunts page to the main listing of pages soon. Well thats about it for today.

8-18-2000 News, Updates and Daily Boredom
I have moved the old news to a seperate page to speed up the loading time on this page. To check out the old news, click here. I fixed the problem with the clan not posting in the guestbook. Free servers reset my guestbook at one point I think and I had to change the setting back to what I had originally. If you see pop ups on my site, they are not my doing either, again its Freeservers. They are telling me that they pop up once a month or something. The other problem with the guestbook is a limit on text. I think its set to 100 words or 100 characters, whichever it is. I'm working on changing that, but haven't got it fixed yet. On to clan news. The Genocide clan is gone and is now the Evangelion clan. I will update this in the clans section. Stiff has left DeF1 and joined WsC. MacGyver joined DTC. Sharak has left DTC and joined NBK. Thanks to Phoenix again for all the news. Im not going to comment on the Allusoin/Chronic mess, he skips clan daily so I don't even report on that anymore. GSA and RoH had a clan fight, but it ended up being too laggy from what I am told. I have made minor updates to the Clans page, Timeline and added a couple of matches to the Events page. Latest rumor says that the SKS clan is back. I will post news about it as i get it.

To check out the old news, click here.