History - By Kalypse Part 1
You want the truth??? you can't handle the truth, or so
some great person said that once. Their name slips my
mind at this moment. The thing is though most people
don't like the truth and don't want to hear it. If you
are one of those people, then don't read anything I write
cuz I only put down the truth.
The truth is that our clan history is long and not the
most exciting thing to read if you never were in the RoH(Realm
of HaDeS)- clan. But to those who have been here and
experienced everything that happened, it is something
that is interesting to us. The Roh clan was born in early
March of 1999. Hades and I were the charter members so to
speak. Hades was starting a clan and I, being his friend
in real life, was enthused by this so I joined RoH. From
my point of view, as this whole document will be, we
started the clan to compete in the Turok 2 league which
was being held by This whole idea fell
through though after a few weeks when the league was
cancel due to lack of clans and players in general. Up
until early to mid April, the RoH clan was still just
Hades and me. By this time though we had met some
spectacular players. Scarab, WaveX, Maniac, Lisablade,
Chair-o-Key, Havok, and Henrychan just to name a few. We
had also met Grul who ran a server almost all the time
and was the only server running when no others were. We
had great times in his server, killing each other and
often playing for hours at a time. After much evaluation,
we added players that we thought filled the ideas of what
we wanted our clan to be. We wanted to be a respectful
clan with talented players and be able to last a long
time. So we found 4 players that we thought filled these
credentials. Scarab, WaveX, Maniac, and HUH joined the
RoH clan putting our total number of players at 6. HUH
was pushed out of the clan shortly after we encountered
another clan called ALN. ALN started out as just another
clan, but they decided that they wanted to mess with us.
They thought that they were better than we were and we
had several encounters with them. They called us names
and we kept our cool, but were not happy with them. We
came close to matches with them several time but we never
went to a match. Neither side could agree on a time or
place to show who was better and problems with them
slowly faded away. About this time the first imposters
started showing up. (RoH) Blade was one of them. He was
not in our clan, but wore our tag without asking anyone.
He was eventually confronted and dismissed. He went off
to join other clans shortly after that. While we were
building up our strength and showing that we were a good
clan, many other clans came and went. The original six
clans were all gone by May. We had risen to be the top
clan in turok. We did have competition though. (AA)-Alien
Attack was a good competitor. They always were a good
clan and had good players. (AC)-Armageddon Clan had also
popped up in this time and they were a good competitor. (LL)-Lethal
was just begining out a little while after we were
established. (NBK)-Natural Born Killers were also just
begining if I remember correctly. (PK) Player Killaz were
another clan, but have been the brunt of many joke
because of their incredibly large size. By the end of May
to early June things were changing once again. Maniac, of
our clan, was leaving Turok 2 to play Tribes and wanted
the RoH clan to move onto that game. This was a big
decision. If we said yes, then we left the Turok 2 world,
which we dominated so often, behind. Well we almost went,
but finally we decided to stay in Turok 2. So Maniac went
off to join another clan in Tribes and left us. This left
a gap in the clan so we added Havok to replace him and
due some rivalry we had with other clans, we started
looking for more players. In early June, we added
Damage_Inc who was and still is a great player. Later on
in June we added HHH who we had previously fueded with
for a brief period of time. Then to increase our power,
we added The Man who has been a spectacular addition to
our clan ever since. So we were still a very dominant
clan at this time. This is the end of Part 1.