
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
This is the Turok 2 Archive. This site was created in June of the year 2000 by Kalypse. Over the past several months it has become one of the largest collections of Turok 2 clan material on the net. Contributions by others have slowly made this site bigger and bigger. This is your chance to explore the history of Turok 2. Enjoy the ride.
What will you find on this page?
This page will contain a variety of documentation on Turok 2. It will contain stories as well as articles and anything else that has been written down about clans and such in Turok 2.

The Date is Monday, the 4th of December in the year 2000, at 10:22:23pm


This Page was created by (SiR) Kalypse. or All content and images on these pages are property of their respected owners. Some material has been borrowed from other sites. Materials from Turok 2 are copyrighted by their respected owner.

Image of the Page


LL Blacklist
This is an edited version of the LL blacklist. I edited out the stuff that I definitely disagree with or am not totally sure about. What is left is what I think would be a decent blacklist for all of Turok 2. While I don't agree with blacklists, they are a part of Turok 2. Other names could easily go on here. And maybe in the future I will add some myself, but for now, this will do. Depending on the reaction I get from this, I'll either keep it or get rid of it. BTW Hawk and Golden Ice are the same, I know this, I just don't have to time to merge them together right now. I'm guessing that Havok is the original writer of this, however I do not know for sure.

Ok so ive had been in T2 since the beginning of it all and ive something to say

1) GG, GF, NS is a bunch of BS people get lucky on the count kill on first shot and say GF I say learn the meaning of it
gf means "good fight" was it a good fight?

If you shot one shot and killed the other person lol you may have made a nice shot but that hardly constitutes a good fight get a clue don't gloat shut up and take your frag

2) GG = good game is it really necessary to say good game after each frag in arena the game isn't over to frag limit maybe it was a good match but certainly not good game its not over till frag limit again with the no clue

3) NS = Nice shot they all are nice shots if someone dies this gets a little annoying

Now onto you clowns ive become accustomed to seeing in no particular order and since most of you will quit a clan start a new one and repeat that process im not going to mention your clan abbreviations just individual name


Male or female? More like he/she serious identity crisis with this one

Bad habits

1)Fake names

2)Shuts down servers and resets levels if loosing which if often if playing some one with skill

3)Foul mouth

4)Shoots people when typing and invisible

5)Just a general looser this one

Golden Ice

A young child who practically threw a temper tantrum when Rogue Killer refused him admittance to LL clan

1)Cant stand to loose even though its often

2)Calls people arena freaks cause he sucks at it

3)Seriously foul mouth for such a young child does his parent knows he talks like that?

4)Another one who thinks he is the greatest t2 player.not

Dr Greenthumb

Golden ice's friend don't know much about this one probably very young also acts a lot like ice though with far less skill though

1)Resets servers when loosing

2)Thinks nothing of shooting you if he is invisible

3)Don't type with this clown around

4)Another foul mouth

5)Cant think of one admirable trait

Element / Chaotic

He thought he was in the T2 elite when he had his shit connection, which gave him a ping of 800 1000 when he finally got cable he was the worst complainer of lag ive ever seen

1)Talked a lot of shit when his ping sucked

2)Humbled now that he will die when he gets shot with no lag to save him now he pretty much keeps his mouth shut now but was a real pain in the ass when he lagged all the servers before


A foul mouthed young child who cannot keep his mouth shut and isn't skilled what so ever

1) -=UcK=-H@wK© (ICQ#42494943) Wrote:

-=HawK=- is the best in Arena in T2...OFFICALLY

Wanna Try me? Then ask me...

3)Either is a racist or just stupid but calls people niggers and general foul names when he looses or someone else is acting like a ass he is the first to jump on board and join in with them because he wants to look cool even if he cant aim

4)If you listen to him when he is trying to be polite he is just having a bad day!

5)Has anyone ever seen one of his good days?

Proto Type/enemy unknown

This clown is another high pinger he is from the middle east and is only half as good as his own mouth claims him to be

1)Lags most servers

2)Refuses to reconnect no matter how ridiculous his ping gets

3)Fakes screen shots. That's seriously sad when you have to do that to look important


Doesn't like to loose and is not afraid to spread a verbal assaults around when he does

1)Another one who is a typist killer and a invisfragest

2)Shuts down servers a lot when loosing

3)Very foul mouthed