
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
This is the Turok 2 Archive. This site was created in June of the year 2000 by Kalypse. Over the past several months it has become one of the largest collections of Turok 2 clan material on the net. Contributions by others have slowly made this site bigger and bigger. This is your chance to explore the history of Turok 2. Enjoy the ride.
What will you find on this page?
This page will contain a variety of documentation on Turok 2. It will contain stories as well as articles and anything else that has been written down about clans and such in Turok 2.

The Date is Monday, the 4th of December in the year 2000, at 10:17:31pm


This Page was created by (SiR) Kalypse. or All content and images on these pages are property of their respected owners. Some material has been borrowed from other sites. Materials from Turok 2 are copyrighted by their respected owner.

Image of the Page


Hi fellow Turok 2 players

How about a code of honor for Turok 2? We have all seen some cheaters in a game once or twice, or have experienced something that wasn't quite fair. Couldn't we agree to some basic rules for all players? I have a few suggestions.

1) Don't cheat! Quite obvious I think, cheating spoils a good game.
2) Use your real player name. Using more than one name is a bit confusing but using no name is very annoying. You never know who you are up against. It seems that players who play anonymous are afraid to have their good reputation blemished if someone beats them. Grow up and face your opponents!
3) Try to be friendly. There will always be some jerks around, but don't give them the attention they are begging for by swearing back or otherwise. Ignore them after a firm warning.
4) Don't try to gain clan-members at the expense of other clans. If someone wants to leave a clan to join another, it's ok. But I get the feeling that sometimes members are asked to join another clan, even when they are still active and quite happy in their current clan. Let's respect each other. It's e healthy thing to have a nice number of clans, ans it would be a shame if some clans had to quit because their members are taken away to other clans.

Maybe there are more and better rules imaginable, but this list is just an incentive to start a discussion about this subject. Feel free to respond.

Wish you all many frags,

Text write by
Chief from DTC