
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
This is the Turok 2 Archive. This site was created in June of the year 2000 by Kalypse. Over the past several months it has become one of the largest collections of Turok 2 clan material on the net. Contributions by others have slowly made this site bigger and bigger. This is your chance to explore the history of Turok 2. Enjoy the ride.
What will you find on this page?
This page will contain a variety of documentation on Turok 2. It will contain stories as well as articles and anything else that has been written down about clans and such in Turok 2.

The Date is Monday, the 4th of December in the year 2000, at 10:20:58pm


This Page was created by (SiR) Kalypse. or All content and images on these pages are property of their respected owners. Some material has been borrowed from other sites. Materials from Turok 2 are copyrighted by their respected owner.

Image of the Page


Pam and Dr.Greenthumb's Real story
As u all know both Pam and Greenthumb were memberz of tha *PK* clan. Reason: they were good players. When Pam joined in january 2000 there were no problems in T2 with "never-ending-trashtalk" and/or "usin' some1 elses nickz". We didn't knew at that time we reqruited a clicking-timebomb. It was not "if" but "when?" will it explode? The explosion finally was in april 2000: Pam-*M*assacre-affaire.
Pam was kicked out because he was not able 2 solve the problems he had with *M*assacre alone: a lot of other people got infected and he showed absolutely no respect 4 tha clan! But this was not the last time we heard of Pam. He wanted 2 get back so badly that he again tries 2 fool us by usin' the false-name Jack! But he forgot that we already checked ip# of Pam and Jack who were online in icq at the same time. They were exactly the same. We asked Jack 2 react but after a short "hehe" and "lol :-))" we never saw him back again.
Greenthumb accepted the clanrulez about trash-talk b4 he joined. It's because he was part of the Pam-*M*assacre-affaire and we will not let that happen again. But Greenthumb alias Headshot *PK* starts talkin' trash right away even against his own clanmemberz! He was kicked out as fast as he came in.
So Pam and Dr.Greenthumb r NO longer welcome at tha clan and NEVER will b!
They now use false-*PK*-nickz, talk trash 2 anybody and start servers with names like: pk c*cksuckers *gay* or crap like that!
Best thing ya can do: IGNORE THEM! and let's have a huge laugh about it! :-)))))))